Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Step 1b: Magazine Sample Idea

This is  an idea I want to get out for the magazine I think I would like to do as part of my project, the next task taking references for Native American history websites and drawing out sketches for website layouts an plan what is the content that will go on it.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Why Some Ideas Die and Others Survive "Made To Stick"

As I was updating my blog I wanted to share some info with all of the class, I've been picking up some hints from a book I was using as reference for research and idea developing purposes. The authors of this book are Chip Heath & Dan Heath, they come from an interesting point of view. Their book talks about how to develop ideas and make them stick in your audience's head.I found it important to share some of their questions with you all, it may help with your own projects and organization.

Questions & excerpts from "Made to Stick":
-So how do we nurture our ideas so that they will succeed in the world?
-Many of us struggle with how to communicate ideas effectively, how to make our ideas to make a difference.
-We wrote this book to help you make your ideas stick . By "stick" we mean that your ideas are understood and remembered, and have lasting impact--they change your audience's opinion or behavior.
-If you have to tell someone the same thing ten times, the idea probably wasn't very well designed.
-Why do some ideas succeed while others fail?
-What makes some ideas more viral than others?

These were some of the things I found interesting while I read this book, and just wanted to share with you all.