Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Step 1a: Locating Magazine References

So as I have mentioned before, the way I saw my project evolving, and perhaps reaching a broader audience was using other media outlets. For example, I thought a good medium to reach broader audiences was through a print magazine. I've scanned certain pages of these magazines so you guys could understand what is the type of content I feel would be interesting to my target audience and its readers.

Ecuador Infinito is a nationally published magazine in my country, and talks about the "undiscovered wonders" in modern day Ecuador, such as places to visit, historical places, visual artists, crafters, and other valuable information for Ecuadorians. This magazine also has a section that comes out in every issue, its a section on Native Indigenous people which talks about our traditions, history, customs, current environmental issues and other current news. The first time I came across this magazine after some research I thought "It would be great to have a magazine with this type of content, but one that exclusively talked about all and any of the Natives in modern America, Natives that still live countries like Canada, the United States,  Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Venezuela, Brazil etc."

INDIAN (By the Museum of the American Indian) goes along this line, and writes about different Natives across the Americas. But I believe its only a NYC magazine, what would happen if a magazine that had my ideas be available in different countries? Such as the National Geographic magazine? Which is published in languages such as English and Spanish? People may have an interest about reading and learning about the Natives in their own individual countries. Therefore learning a little bit more in general about the First Nations (possible magazine title) of the Americas. 

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