Monday, September 19, 2011

“Rescuing Identity Through Art”

Being part of the indigenous Kichwa Nation has always affected how I look at the world. The history of Native American people throughout North, Central, and South America has been forgotten or ignored by the general public. Before the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492, and the rest of European invasion, it’s been estimated that there existed as many as up to 100 million Native people living throughout these three continents. Until this day, children living in the 21st century are still not taught enough about the first indigenous people living in what is now called the “United States of America”.

        Therefore, for this lack of education that starts with public and private schools I wish to educate the general public about the existence on Native American Nations before, and after 1492. The project could develop into creating works that educate; with the help infographics, typography, advertising concepts, illustration and/or photography.